If you’ve ever wished you could get an insider’s look at the daily activities of NASA Goddard’s largest clean room, you’re in luck. Web cams are now providing live coverage of work on the components of the upcoming James Web Space Telescope. The cameras snap and display one picture per minute from the pristine workspace of the clean room at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.
The advantage to the Webb-cam is that the average person doesn’t need to do a micron-type clean up and spend time donning protective gear. Anyone can sit at their computer and see what’s going on, no matter what they’re wearing.
[via @NASA_Langley]
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Rachel Hobson is a writer, editor and social media enthusiast with a background in the DIY/Maker and science/geek communities. She's also a life-long space geek, and enjoys living five minutes from Houston's Johnson Space Center where she can get her fill of rockets any time she pleases. Her hobbies include hand embroidery, modern quilting and all things Lego.
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