This is fantastic looking kit, turn an oscilloscope into a clock!
Is your X-Y capable analog oscilloscope underutilized? Make it show the current time! Need a clock for your GPS receiver? Use your scope! This AVR Oscilloscope clock is available as a kit, using all through-hole components. The kit included ALL components necessary to assemble the board shown below, including a preprogrammed ATmega168 microcontroller. It does not include an oscilloscope. It also includes connectors for the Power and RS-232 headers on the board. The user can use these connectors to build the power and serial communication cables.
AVR Oscilloscope Clock – [via] Link.
Oscilloscope clock – Link.
Oscilloscope Oscilloscope Oscilloscopes!:
- Vector-based Pong on an Oscilloscope – Link.
- Oscilloscope alarm clock project… – Link.
- PIC Based Oscilloscope with LCD – Link.
- Low cost oscilloscope – Link.
- HOW TO – Using an oscilloscope – Link.
- Using an Oscilloscope – Link.
- HOW TO – Making a hard drive laser oscilloscope – Link.
- Single-digit Nixie, Oscilloscope CRT a Weston … – Link.
- ScopeOnPC – Turn your PC into a an oscilloscope – Link.
- What’s the cheapest way to get an oscilloscope? – Link.