With reports that PSoC 4 BLE Pioneer Kits are beginning to arrive worldwide in the hands of makers, some are already advancing to the debug stage of their project builds. Or at least they’re anticipating the debug stage, and raising questions about how to debug and what tools are available.
This leads us to a very quick tutorial video from Cypress Semiconductor, walking through the debug feature of their PSoC Creator software. Trust me when I say you will have to debug, and you’ll want to know ahead of time what your options are. As an avid keyboard-shortcut user, I’m quick to hit the F5 key to initiate debug, but I also find a slight satisfaction in clicking that buprestidae-like bug icon.
Hopefully this helps other makers in need of debugging assistance with their PSoC 4 BLE dev kit. You can always ask questions and get quick feedback over at our #PSoCMaker G+ community. Makers have just over one month to enter to win the PSoC Pioneer Challenge.
Enter the PSoC Pioneer Challenge and you could win $2,500 for travel to Maker Faire Bay Area in May. Projects should include the PSoC 4 BLE kit from Cypress Semiconductor. This new development board includes Bluetooth and CapSense, along with a software IDE that makes building for the IoT both challenging and fun .