This Arduino variant (Bare-Bones Board) looks great!
Modern Device Company is a modest website to make available some of the circuit boards and electronic projects that Paul Badger has designed for use in his physical computing classes. Right now the site is focused on a variation of the Arduino, called the Bare-Bones Board. More custom sensors, and boards will be added soon.
Arduino is an open-source microcontroller hardware, and software, environment, closely related to the Wiring and Processing open-source initiatives. The microcontroller uses an Atmel Atmega168 chip programmed with a bootloader, so no programming hardware is required.
Arduino is programmed in the “C” programming language, with an integrated development environment (IDE) engineered for beginning programmers. The language includes support for desirable microcontroller features such as 32 bit and floating point math, many standard C libraries. Projects that outgrow the Arduino’s capabilities can easily be ported to the Wiring Board, which is based on the Atmega128 chip.
Modern Device Company – Link.