BlinkM & Arduino 3D models

Arduino Technology
BlinkM & Arduino 3D models

 Blog Wp-Content Uploads 2008 06 Blinkm-Model-Combi
 Blog Wp-Content Uploads 2008 06 Blinkm-Arduino-Model
todbot writes

Here’s a really quick 3D model of BlinkM, if anyone needs it. It’s accurate to ~0.1mm. And here it is plugged into the awesomely done Arduino Diecimila model by Jon-Paul from the Google 3D Warehouse. SketchUp is pretty great, but I found a problem with it if you’re trying to make accurate to-scale electronic parts: it won’t create surfaces with an area of less than 1mm. Took me a while to figure that out. The solution is to make a 10x or 100x size version and then do a scale by 0.1 or 0.01 when you’re done.


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