We’ve had RGB LCD displays in the Maker Shed for a while now and while they are really cool, they take up a bunch of pins on an Arduino. This new Positive RGB LCD Display Shield fixes that problem by using I2C for communication. Using I2C, what once took 9 pins now takes only 2! Since the shield uses the I2C bus, you can add other I2C sensors to the same pins driving the LCD. It’s a great way to incorporate an LCD into your Arduino projects without the messy wiring! It even includes 5 input buttons for building projects that require a user interface. Very nice!
- Dimensions: 2.1″ x 3.2″
- Comes with a 16×2 RGB backlight LCD, positive display
- Plug and play with any Arduino ‘classic’ – UNO, duemilanove, diecimilla, etc as well as Arduino Mega R3.
- Uses only the I2C pins – Analog 4 & 5 on classic Arduinos, Digital 20 and 21 on Arduino Mega R3
- Note: The shield comes as a kit and requires soldering!