Bre made a LASER TAG case for his MP3 player, if you haven’t seen it, check it out (and how to build one yourself). Ok fine, here’s my case mod for the MAKE: Open source MP3 player – laser cut acrylic, a MintyBoost -as- a power supply and uses USB rechargeable batteries, we call it VOLTRON, this nerd fight is ON. Oh, once we work out a couple things, we’ll post all the files to make your own case and also figure out a way for folks to get the cases + 440s.
On a related note, the new Apple shuffle ad is fun, but we don’t have the budget Apple has (yet) so Makers, help caption the photo(s). Apple says “put some music on”.
Here’s one to get you going for our MP3 player…
“The only MP3 player guaranteed to get you SECONDARY SCREENING”.
Post up in the comments we’ll pick a caption later today and the winner gets a MAKE pocket ref.
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