Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Chernobyl PC!

Computers & Mobile
Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Chernobyl PC!

My PC mod pic of the day was built by a young German modder named “Froop”. It’s an awesome Chernobyl-based PC case he calls “Unit 4”. It also has some themes from the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

For a closer look at all of the painstaking detail he put into this, see the rest of the story!

Here we see the DVD drive peeking out. Maybe not quite as cool as the drive opening on the Hulk PC, but seriously, how often does one actually open their drive? (Maybe it’s just me)

Something to keep in mind is a DVD drive can itself generate a fair shake of heat (just ask the 360’s GPU!) so be sure to take the same care ventilating it as you would a hard drive.

Wide view of the water-cooling. It’s so perfect that he water-cooled this since it is based off a nuclear power plant. The green coloring adds to the whole toxic waste vibe, nice touch. This whole project is filled with nice touches, what can I say? I hope this kid doesn’t go into some boring field, he could have a real future in special FX model building or something along those lines.

Top view. Another smashing thing about this mod (well, more of a creation than a mod) is all of the distressed-looking parts everywhere. Even INSIDE the case parts are made to look rusty, old, and otherwise nuclear-a-fied. (new word). So often the outsides of something look great but the inside is crap (I’m guilty of that, but getting better). This guy makes it ALL look good.

A great rule of design: people only notice detail if it isn’t there. So be sure to include it!

Glowing green coolant reservoir. Very nice.

It’s just great how he’s put all these little lights and details everywhere – it really looks like a destoyed power plant.

I love this tank thing. Not sure what it does, or represents, but just look at the rust effects, the corroded sagging pipes, it’s just frickin’ great. Kudos.

Modders, don’t let the naysayers, if any, get you down. It is totally cool to obsess with things that don’t involve sports or cars (the geek definition) Back in the day I remember people wondering why in the hell I was making a portable Atari 2600… eight years later who’s laughing now? HAHAHAHA!

This photo rules. How many PC case mods can you think of where depth-of-field shots are possible? Again, this is do detailed it could double as a movie miniature. Great work.

Another great photo – call it “Sun Sets on Chernobyl”. The fact that he can take such cool photos of a project is another testament to its greatness.

You can read the really detailed making of for this project by clicking here. Again, fantastic work and this should stand as an inspiration to all modders.

Until next time, I am Ben Heckendorn, saying good luck with your modding, and good night!

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