David Pogue is the weekly personal technology columnist for the New York Times, an Emmy award-winning tech correspondent for CBS News, and host of PBS’s NOVA series on materials science, “Making Stuff.” He’s the piano-playing TED presenter and family guy who brings the story of user experience design and consumer electronic product development to the masses.
Pogue is also one of the world’s bestselling how-to authors, with three million books in print(!). Many of those manuals (either in the “For Dummies” series, or in his newer Missing Manuals series), tackle demystifying and optimizing Apple products.
This man really belongs on Broadway, but he’s coming to Queens for World Maker Faire on Saturday, and will be doing David Pogue’s iPhone Brain Dump on the Main Stage at 4pm. In this half hour, he’ll dazzle you with the coolest apps, share some undocumented tips and tricks, look back at the iPhone’s unlikely origins, and look forward to the future of mobile phones and applications.