DIY wrist brace looks funny, works great in a pinch

Computers & Mobile
DIY wrist brace looks funny, works great in a pinch

From the MAKE Flickr pool

Many out there are all too familiar with sharp pain resulting from extended keyboard/etc usage. Though rest and improved ergonomics are the ideal response, when I absolutely must keep my hands going, a basic wrist brace can do wonders.

Well, I recently found myself with a bad case of angry tendons and sadly my trusty brace was nowhere to be found. Pain being such a great motivator, after a quick survey of the apartment, I managed to fashion a surprisingly effective brace from household stuff. Just a rice ladle, some velcro strap (from an old sleep mask) + a little fabric cushioning and I was back @ my desk clacking away. Gotta love those cheap and satisfyingly simple little fixes.

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