This is somewhat “new” – eBay has RSS feeds when it returns search results, so you can subscribe to something you’re looking for – Link. As GetLoFi pointed out, this can be handy if you’re looking to scoop up cheap gear or items that are hard to find. Here are a few handy ones for some electronics/Maker items. If you have other ones post them up in the comments, just use a TinyURL and only post one link at a time (our spam catcher doesn’t like multiple links)… You can probably figure out common misspellings and score some good stuff too.
Search Ebay – Link.
eBay RSS feeds (help) – Link.
Fun eBay RSS feeds…
- Epilog laser – RSS.
- Gocco printer and supplies – RSS.
- Oscilliscopes – RSS.
- Welding stuff – RSS.
- Soldering stations – RSS.
- Solder station tips – RSS.
- Circuit board stuff – RSS.
- LCDs under $50 – RSS.
- UV exposure unit – RSS.
- Lasers under $5 – RSS.
- LEDs – RSS.
- Apple eMate – RSS.
- Sewing machines – RSS.
- 2-XL Robots – RSS.
- Circuit Bends – RSS.
- Speak and Spells – RSS.
- Payphones – RSS.
Update: Not sure what’s up with the RSS feeds not validating…?