Matt shows you how to keep a nice chunk of the Wikipedia on your iPod he writes – “I’ve commented now and again that I’d be willing to pay upwards of $100 for a handheld version of Wikipedia — one that I can sync via WiFi, then take on the bus and read to my heart’s content. Unfortunately, the market doesn’t seem to be responding to my lone cry… so I wrote a Perl script that loads Wikipedia onto my iPod. Wikipod starts from a Wikipedia page and traverses all the links it finds, downloading each page to the iPod. It will then traverse each link on the new pages, continuing this process until it finds no new links or has reached the size limit you specify.” [via] – Link.
- WikiPodia (Stand-alone application that uploads the wikipedia article of your choice to you iPod in the form of a note.) – Link.
- MAKE ebooks for your iPod guide! – Link.
- Encyclopodia – the encyclopedia on your iPod – Link.
From the pages of MAKE:
- Mod Your Pod – Enhance your iPod with a Linux upgrade. MAKE 02 – Page 137. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition!