Cookie Tin MonoBox Mod

Cookie Tin MonoBox Mod


Derrick read about our MonoBox Powered Speaker in the geek section of his Flipboard app and decided to build it in a weekend! You can see he added a switch and status LED near the bottom of the tin. Also clever is his input wire which goes into the first ‘o’ in Saronno, a town in the north of Italy known for their macaroons. I hope the tin is now powering tunes while he works on other projects in his garage. He writes:

I took the build list to RadioShack and a sales rep helped me find all the parts. When I got ready to build the amp I practiced my soldering skills on a circuit board out of a dead appliance then went to work. Once the circuit was all soldered and checked with a magnifying glass I added power and it worked immediately. I used a speaker out of an old TV. I also chose to add a switch and LED so I wouldn’t forget to stop the power when done using it. I ended up installing the setup in an old Christmas cookie tin that I have had in my shed for years. I always loved the tin and was pleased to find that it could be put to a better purpose. I marked out the speaker hole, drilled a hole in the corner, then cut the first L corner with a sharp knife. I then used tin snips to finish the job. I split some old medical oxygen tubing to go over the sharp edges then found old mesh wire to go over the opening. I cut the mesh to size and bent all the wire ends down, then marked a spot to drill a tiny hole for each wire. The mesh was then placed on and the wires were bent over on the inside. I next drilled holes for the speaker lugs, switch, light, and input jack. Once all the components were installed I attached the circuit board in the tin with double back tape. I placed a little batting in behind the speaker and then cut the foam for the battery and threaded the battery lead up through the foam. The project is beautiful, and sounds great.

The circuit board mostly done.
The circuit board mostly done.
My first test before the switch and LED were added.
My first test before the switch and LED were added.
From the speaker side with the top removed.
From the speaker side with the top removed.

See all of the Weekend Projects posts

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I'm an artist & maker. A lifelong biblioholic, and advocate for all-things geekathon. Home is Long Island City, Queens, which I consider the greatest place on Earth. 5-year former Resident of Flux Factory, co-organizer for World Maker Faire (NYC), and blogger all over the net. Howdy!

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