Dog-Mounted Persistence of Vision Display

Dog-Mounted Persistence of Vision Display

Michael Zoellner of Elangen, Germany, wrote in with a fun POV he created:

Mounting 5 LEDs on a moving object creates one of the cheapest and largest displays: Persistence of Vision. It’s been done on bicycle wheels, fans and other rotating objects.

In this project i am sewing a Lilypad wearable Arduino board and five LEDs with conductive thread on my dog’s shirt. She (Ianto) is a Miniature Pinscher running very fast for fun. In curves fast enough for Persitence of Vision. And she likes running in large circles in the park! Light writing.

Michael’s POV displays text from Cory Doctorow’s “Makers” —

I chose Makers because i think it’s very influential to me and a whole makers generation. And of course because it’s under creative commons.

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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