From the Desk of Weekend Projects

From the Desk of Weekend Projects

Weekend Projects builder Matt writes in with this great story about his foray into electronics, starting with one of my favorite projects from our series, the Light Theremin.

When I saw the Light Theremin, I decided I would give it a try. I took a trip to RadioShack and bought the necessary parts. When I got home, it took less than an hour to put it together and get it working. I brought it into work the next day and entertained my coworkers with it and could even explain the way the 555 timer was being put to use (astable mode!). I now keep it on my desk as a fun thing to talk about and I’m trying to decide what my next project should be…

Thanks for sharing your story, Matt. And we look forward to that next project of yours. Want to share your Weekend Projects mod with others? Email us your story and some pictures.

See all of the RadioShack Weekend Projects posts (to date)

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I'm an artist & maker. A lifelong biblioholic, and advocate for all-things geekathon. Home is Long Island City, Queens, which I consider the greatest place on Earth. 5-year former Resident of Flux Factory, co-organizer for World Maker Faire (NYC), and blogger all over the net. Howdy!

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