Game of Life kit (instructions)

Game of Life kit (instructions)

Here’s another one of our kits, now documented on Instructables. The Game of Life Boards are a scalable platform for cellular automata visualizations. Each board contains 16 LEDs in a 4×4 grid, a microcontroller, and a communications and power distribution network. With the available firmware, they execute Conway’s Game of Life. Boards can act alone, or can be plugged into other boards to create a larger display. You can get this kit from the MAKE store.

Each kit comes standard with green LEDs, but any LEDs can be used by adjusting the values of the resistors. The board accepts 6 to 12V DC power, and each board draws a maximum of approximately 0.25 amps.

Game of Life Kit – Link & you can get the kit @ the Maker store.

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