HOW TO – Cloning a Verichip yourself

HOW TO – Cloning a Verichip yourself

Jonathan Westhues has a how-to on cloning your own Verichip (schematics, parts list, gerber and source available) he writes – “I used a relatively sophisticated piece of electronics to clone a Verichip. This made things trivially easy. Even though I had never seen a Verichip before in my life, I just had to write a hundred lines of code; but because I used my proxmarkii, I’ve heard claims that it is impossible to talk to a Verichip without expensive equipment.

Also, I embarrassed myself in front of a documentary crew when I couldn’t clone the Verichip that their presenter had had implanted. (He was a fairly big guy, and the chip was very deep beneath his skin, so I didn’t have enough read range to do it with my proxmarkii. We tried shoving the antenna into his arm, but I think we just pushed the chip deeper. A proxmark3–which can read them at the correct operating frequency of 134 kHz, instead of 125 kHz–would have worked fine, and in fact I had brought two of them; but I destroyed both, through my own stupidity, before I got a chance to do the demo. If you build a proxmark3, then don’t forget to populate D10/D11.)

I therefore wanted an inexpensive cloner, with decent read range and a simple user interface. It should be easy to build, and it should not require a PC to operate. This will make it easy for you to clone a Verichip yourself, even if you don’t have a lot of money, or any knowledge of electronics. The device will also be simpler to use, and have fewer parts to fail; if more journalists have chips implanted, then this reduces the chance that I will screw up the demo for them as well.” Thanks Annalee! – Link.

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