HOW TO – Speed stabilizer for Dremel drill

HOW TO – Speed stabilizer for Dremel drill

Mondo shows you how to use a PIC to control the speed of a Dremel… – “The Dremel drill fitted with a mini drill-chuck on a stand is a great setup for drilling circuit boards. The problem is that it does not do low speeds very well. My unit had a failed internal speed controller, so I just wired around it and connected it to a regulated 24 volt DC supply. This worked OK, but I would like a slower speed when drilling boards. Slowing down with a lower voltage, however, causes it to stall out completly when it begins drilling. What I needed was a circuit to actually increase power to the motor under increasing load.” [via] – Link.


  • Get your PIC on – free PIC programming resources – Link.
  • PIC microcontrollers – a beginner’s guide – Link.

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