Thanks to Lifehacker for tipping us off to IMified:
an instant messenger buddy that works accross all major IM networks and offers access to a growing number of web applications, as well as productivity tools like notes, reminders, and todo’s. Imified helps you get things done faster.
To get started, just send a message in AIM/iChat/Yahoo! Messenger to the IMified buddy (imified@imified.com for MSN or imified@gmail.com on Google Talk/Jabber). Following a few prompts will soon allow you to IM your favorite web apps, including Google Calendar, Backpack, Remember the Milk, Blogger, and more (here’s hoping Stikkit is next).
I can confirm that it works seamlessly and easily with WordPress (though I couldn’t get it to work with Blogger). Setup was easy and I composed and posted this test message in just a minute or so entirely through iChat: