This week, Joe Grand and Bre Pettis bring you another Awesome Electronics Workshop! This time you’ll learn about the open-source microcontroller board, the Arduino, ahem, the ARRR-duino. Make sure to download the PDF to see the schematic! – PDF Link
You can get an Arduino board in the Makezine store at or you can find plans to make your own from off the shelf parts. Then get some components and start playing around! You’ll want to go wander around the Arduino website and the Arduino playground where users can share ideas and benefit from their collective research. Once you’ve checked that all out, go get thne software. Whatever projects you make, take pictures of them and upload them to the Make: Flickr pool or you’ll have to walk the plank!
Intro to the Arduino PDF – Link
Buy one in the Make: Store – Link
Program Files – Link
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