Knock to open

Knock to open

 ~Jeroen Foto Foto Misc6 Img 2121
Sprites mods writes –

What to do if you are renting a room in students flat and want to make use of an unused, empty room? You just walk in and do your thing. What if the landlord, for some stupid reason he got from his higer-ups, has to lock all unused rooms? You go ahead and pick the lock. Not really 100% legal, but closing an empty room for no apparent reason isn’t really ethical too, in my opinion. But what if the landlord comes to check if the room still is locked? Hmm…

After some brainstorming, we came up with a James Bond-worthy concept: knock on the door in a certain fashion, and the door’ll open automatically. The idea was perfect: no need to drill holes, sneaky enough so the landlord wouldn’t accidentally trigger it, easy enough to remember.

Sprites mods – Knock to open – Intro – [via] Link.

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