Anyone who’s had to share a link to a podcast in the iTunes Store knows the painfully long URLs you’re forced to deal with (in this case, for the Make Magazine Podcast):
- http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=74069835
Well, over at the O’Reilly Network, Digital Media blogger David Battino uncovers a quick hack to chop it down to its essentials, based on the podcast ID at the end of the string, turning it into this:
- http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=74069835
You can, of course, also use a service like SnipURL to create something even smaller, as well as a bit more recognizable and memorable:
- http://snipurl.com/makezine
Finally, for the most sophisticated and useful URL, David adds:
If you own your own domain, you could simply set up a page with a meta refresh, name it index.html, and place it in an appropriate subdirectory like myshow. Then your link would be http://www.yoursite.com/myshow.
Check out his article for the details.