MAX – headphone amp

MAX – headphone amp

Make 655
Jon writes –

The Millett Hybrid Maxed, or Millett MAX, or MAX for short, is a vacuum tube and solid state hybrid headphone amplifier. It is the latest refinement in a series of headphone amplifiers that began with Pete Millett, its namesake. This is a fantastic headphone amp. The design even includes vacuum tubes illumniated by blue LEDs!! Colin Toole is currently taking names and quantities for a group buy of the custom PCB designed for the MAX amp. The expected cost is $12, however, it could be less if enough people place orders. Orders can be placed until June 3rd. More than 253 have been spoken for so far.

MAX Overview – Link & here’s where to get the PCB.

Altoids headphone amp – Link.

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Mint-Tin Amp. MAKE 04 page 131. Pocket amplifier punches up headphones. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition or get MAKE 04 @ the Maker store.

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