Face Detection in 10 Minutes

Other Boards Technology
Face Detection in 10 Minutes

Jason Kridner, a software architecture manager at TI and co-founder of BeagleBoard.org, shows how to program a BeagleBone (a tiny 1-GHz computers running Linux) to run Open-CV and face-detection algorithms.

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Jason shows how easy it is to use a BeagleBone, logging into the board with the help of a USB cable band and plugging in a keyboard and mouse. The face detection rig he demonstrates is only a Playstation Eye webcam and some freely downloadable software on top of the basic BB hardware that ships with the board. He adds on a LCD that displays what’s showing on the webcam, with the face detection algorithm slapping on a fake moustache as a bonus.

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal nerdage.net

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