Mix and Match the Web with Yahoo! Pipes

Mix and Match the Web with Yahoo! Pipes

Yahoo! just launched Pipes, which lets you combine data from the Web in some very interesting ways. It reminds me of Apple’s Automator and Quartz Composer. Brady Forrest takes a pipe apart in Yahoo! Pipes: Deconstructing a Pipe:

In my previous post Yahoo! Pipes: The Modules For Building Pipes I explained the tools available for building a pipe and mentioned the Apartment Near Something pipe. It allows you to input what you would like to be near (for example: “parks”), what city (for example: “Palo Alto, CA”), and how far (for example: 2 miles). It outputs GeoRSS of available apartments in a Palo Alto, CA that are near parks. In this post I am going to step through this pipe. If you want to follow along you can check the debugger in the editor to see the output at each step.


  • Pipes and Filters for the Internet — Link
  • Yahoo! Pipes: The Modules For Building Pipes — Link
  • Yahoo! Pipes — Link
  • Yahoo! Hacks — Link

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I'm a tinkerer and finally reached the point where I fix more things than I break. When I'm not tinkering, I'm probably editing a book for Maker Media.

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