NIME 2007 – Arduino Workshop – NYC, June 10th

NIME 2007 – Arduino Workshop – NYC, June 10th

Arduino Nime
If you’re in NYC here’s a great Arduino workshop!

NIME 2007 – Arduino Workshop
@ The Interactive Telecommunications Program
Sunday, June 10th

NIME 2007, in association with the Interactive Telecommunications Program, announces a special workshop session on the open-source Arduino hardware development environment. The workshop will be held by ITP Assistant Arts Professor Tom Igoe, and David A. Mellis of Synthesis Studios. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn the Arduino tool set from two of its key developers! Numbers are limited, so sign up soon.

The workshop will cover:
-The Arduino IDE (Intergrated Development Environment)
-Sensor interfacing
-MIDI and protocol implementations
-Interfacing to a computer (Max/MSP, Processing)

Arduino ( is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple i/o board, and a development environment for writing Arduino software. The Arduino programming language is an implementation of the language used by Wiring, while the Arduino environment is based on Processing. Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other outputs. Arduino projects can be stand-alone, or they can be communicate with software running on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP.) Arduino received an Honory Mention in the Digital Communities section of the 2006 Ars Electronica Prix.

What: NIME 2007 Arduino Workshop
Where: The Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) 721 Broadway, Floor 4
When: Sunday, June 10th, 11AM-4PM
Who: Tom Igoe, Dave Mellis and you!
Cost: $90 ($30 Workshop + $60 Hardware Kit)
How: Click here for information.
Click here for registration and payment.

(Note that the email address you use for Paypal payment will be used for verification)
(Contact Jamie Allen if you have any questions –

NIME 2007 – Link.

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