This Instructable throws down the gauntlet on TOD (Tons of Diodes) projects:
A new series of instructables that will be using tons and tons of diodes. No ICs are allowed, the only semi conductors are diodes and transistors. The only passive components allowed are capacitors, resistors, switches, inductors, and potentiometers (variable resistors for those who don’t know). Another rule is it must have more diodes then any other component. I made this all up, and I made up this group to see how creative people can be with electronics without resorting to ICs. My next one (this one is just a little wimpy intro) might use up to 2000 diodes.
Aw… snap! I’m going to do a project with 4,000 diodes!
TOD: Diode Matrix ROM intro (7-segment display) – Link