Parallax Propeller (review)

Parallax Propeller (review)

EiED online’s Bill Wong reviews the propellor multicore processor from Parallax (best known for their BASIC stamp) – “Parallax took a major turn from its bread and butter Basic Stamps and SX processors with its new Propeller architecture. The Propeller packs eight 32-bit processors, called cogs, into a single package… Packing eight identical processors in the same package with shared memory may seem like a straight forward architecture but the Propeller is a bit more complicated and novel. For example, all eight cogs have access to all of the same 32 IO pins at the same time. This can make debugging a bit difficult if two processors accidentally use the same pin at the same time in a different fashion. This simply means designers need to have a good understanding of the application and its implementation.” [via] – Link.


  • First look at Parallax’s Propeller chip – Link.
  • Parallax – Link.
  • Propeller – Link.
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