Ryan writes in –
Yesterday, I took my 15 minute break from work to run to the nearby RadioShack. I was (and still am) in need of wire-wrap sockets. I did not manage to find the sockets, but I did notice something new. For one, it seems the shack has revived the 1001 projects in one type kits, which is great since their focus has long drifted from Education (Remember Forrest Mimms?) to selling batteries and cellphones. Even more interesting; they now sell Parallax modules! I opened the IC drawer to find an ultrasonic range finder, digital light detector, and IR receiver. All of the modles made sure to mention that these products “Easily interface with most microcontrollers.” I don’t know if this is a new thing nationwide, but it certainly is in Western MA.
Editor’s note: Radioshack is a sponsor of the MAKE weekend projects.