Today, March 14, has become widely known as Pi day. While some of you may be looking at the never ending, never repeating mathematical phenomenon that is the number Pi, here at Make:, we tend to think of the Raspberry Pi.
Here are three awesome Raspberry Pi projects, that you know you’re going to want to make. If you’re craving more — and we know you are — here’s a FREE pdf download of more raspberry pi projects featured in Make: magazine and at Maker Faires around the world.
Make a Remote Camera Doorbell From Raspberry Pi
In this tutorial, Eben Kuou will take you through the steps needed to create your very own, home-grown, ring style doorbell system.
Tiny Raspberry Pi Powered Laptop That Fits in Your Pocket
Tiny computers are all the rage with the coolest of kids now days. Making your own will earn you super street cred, and here’s how you can do it.
Raspberry Pi Network Scanner
Monitoring who connects to your network can be an important task. This little system is easy to build and gets the job done quite well.
That last remaining bit
You’re probably wondering about that .14 that was in the headline. Well, since this one isn’t about the development board, and there really isn’t something you can make, I think it only counts as a partial.