Twenty-three-year-old Jacob Cook is on a mission to help you create your own small piece of cloud on the internet, freeing you from other providers for services like file storage and sharing, web hosting, e-mail, calendars, music, and photos. His project, ArkOS, is built to run on the Raspberry Pi, which means there’s only a small investment to get a server up and running in your home. It’s a Linux distribution that includes a web-based interface to serve and manage self-hosted cloud services.
“arkOS represents one of the many ways in which individuals can take steps to secure their data,” according to the FAQ on their site. “Whether this is from corporations that want to use privately-stored information for marketing purposes, random strangers who have no business with your information, or dishonest governments spying on the content of your communications, arkOS can be used to help users become more self- reliant when it comes to the many forms of data we store on the Internet.” [via VentureBeat. Thanks, Gareth!]