MAKE’s 2nd International Maker Meetup is Tomorrow!

Raspberry Pi Technology
MAKE’s 2nd International Maker Meetup is Tomorrow!


Tomorrow is the day for MAKE’s second International Maker Meetup. This time the event will focus on all things Raspberry Pi. We’ll have an open-house, community event at MAKE’s HQ where we’ll be serving up slices of raspberry pie (aren’t we clever?) as well as several tasty Raspberry Pi projects. We’ll also be featuring projects from MAKE’s latest issue–Volume 33: Software for Makers. All meetup attendees will receive a free PDF of the new issue.

The event kicks off at 6pm PST with a live Google+ hangout on air with a great panel of guests that will include none other than Eben Upton of Raspberry Pi, the folks from Adafruit, Matt Richardson and Shawn Wallace (authors of Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, the editors of MAKE, and dozens of hackerspaces and meetups from around the world.  If you’re into Raspberry Pi, the hangout and meetup are not to be missed. Tune in right here.

Also during the hangout, I’ll be picking five winners for our Raspberry Pi starter kits. How do you enter the drawing? Share the MAKE meetup post below via your social media channels and enter  to win here. The drawing will close tomorrow at 6pm PST/ 9pm EST so be sure to share the post now and enter to win.

Here’s the info for the post:

 MAKE magazine’s 2nd International Maker Meetup, featuring #RaspberryPi!

Over 200 cities from around the world have joined in, don’t miss the chance to put your city on the map, visit and create a meetup in your community today!

To host your own meetup, we suggest getting together with your fellow Rasp Pi enthusiasts at a hackerspace, cafe, community center, library, or restaurant. Bring your laptops, tablets, smartphones to access the internet. For more information and to RSVP please click right here.

Discuss this article with the rest of the community on our Discord server!

Stett Holbrook is editor of the Bohemian, an alternative weekly in Santa Rosa, California. He is a former senior editor at Maker Media.

He is also the co-creator of Food Forward, a documentary TV series for PBS about the innovators and pioneers changing our food system.

View more articles by Stett Holbrook


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