Wyliodrin Cloud Programming Supports Pi and Galileo

Computers & Mobile Other Boards Raspberry Pi
Wyliodrin Cloud Programming Supports Pi and Galileo
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Wyliodrin is an online service that allows you to visually create applications for Linux development boards and control them from your browser. You can use their service to program a Raspberry Pi and they’ve recently partnered with Intel to allow you to program second generation Galileo boards. Users can start with Visual Programming, a language that’s similar to Scratch. Visual Programming translates into Python or JavaScript, so users can see the code that’s generated.

“The special feature of Wyliodrin is debugging,” said Alexandru Radovici, CEO. “Instead of using consoles or watches windows, Wyliodrin allows users to plot their variables in graphs. This allows a better understanding of what is going on in the program. Instead of listing a lot of numbers, people see graphs.”

As part of their partnership with Intel, if you own a Galileo can get a one year subscription that allows you to use 3 boards and create 15 applications. After that, a free account allows you to use one board and create 3 applications. There are paid tiers beyond that if you need more capacity.

“Wyliodrin does for electronics what LEGO did for mechanics,” said Alexandru. “By using Wyliodrin, anyone can start tinkering with devices, not matter what background they have.”

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Matt Richardson is a San Francisco-based creative technologist and Contributing Editor at MAKE. He’s the co-author of Getting Started with Raspberry Pi and the author of Getting Started with BeagleBone.

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