Liam sent in this really interesting telemetry project that uses the Make controller as the ‘brains’ of the system. It’s able to serve up real-time data to the pit crew, and anyone with Internet access. Thanks Liam!
Seasoned track racers know what it means to be able to see all their lap times, acceleration and braking points, position on track, speed, etc. While there are relatively inexpensive data loggers that can do this in varying degrees, none have what I want and none can show the data live in the pits. Live data during a race can make a big difference to a driver’s performance, and to a hopefully attentive pit crew.
I really like the “Tupperware-like” enclose they chose. It’s easy to open, waterproof, and transparent. Be sure to check out the link for a lot more information about the project, including future plans.
More about Real-Time racing telemetry with the Make controller
More about the Make Controller 2.0 & Interface Board kit