Jon Udell mentions a great add-on for Internet Explorer, Reify Software’s Turnabout, which gives you the ability to run some Greasemonkey scripts in Internet Explorer:
…it comes in two versions: basic and advanced. If you download the basic version it only runs a small set of scripts that the Reify folks have blessed. You have to download the advanced version in order to be able to install other scripts, such as my LibraryLookup script.
I realize that relatively few IE users are likely to run Turnabout, just as relatively few Firefox users run Greasemonkey. But a small fraction of IE’s large share is still a healthy number, and I’d like to do what I can to encourage interesting, important, and of course safe and responsible uses of this technology.
Jon spent some time modifying one of his scripts to work under Turnabout, and has written up some notes for anyone who wants to do the same – Link