If you have a paralelle port and make this ADC converter, you can have an oscilloscope – ” ScopeOnPC is a software that uses the PC parallel port and an ADC (Analog To Digital converter) circuit to turn your PC into a full featured oscilloscope”
- Sampling Rate 100K Samples per second
- -5 V To +5V Input Range
- -50V To +50V Olerload Protection
- 8 Bit Resolution
- Scope Timebases:100uS/Div To 100mS/Div
- Scope Volts/Div: 100mV/Div To 5V/Div
- Works with ANY parallel port
ScopeOnPC (DOS & Windows) – Link.
- PIC Based Oscilloscope with LCD – Link.
- Low cost oscilloscope – Link.
- Using an Oscilloscope – Link.
- HOW TO – Using an oscilloscope – Link.
- Oscilloscope alarm clock project… – Link.
- HOW TO – Making a hard drive laser oscilloscope – Link.
- Single-digit Nixie, Oscilloscope CRT a Weston … – Link.
What’s the cheapest way to get an oscilloscope? – Link.
From the pages of MAKE:
- Welcome to the Fab Lab – Neil Gershenfeld shows us that personal fabrication can be fabulous. The teacher of MIT’s course “How to Make (Almost) Anything” gives us a tour of the Boston fab lab, one of a growing network of field labs all over the world. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition!
- The Maker’s Ultimate Tools – The tools we use — or wish we could get our hands on. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition!