Shallow box access panels and digital photo frames…

Shallow box access panels and digital photo frames…

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MAKE Flickr photo pool member Chrisdigo writes –

Digital Picture Frames are great to display a picture slide show. It can be put on a table, desk etc. but also can be hanged on a wall, just as a regular frame. But in this case, how do you conceal the AC power adapter cord ?

The electric box manufacturer Carlon has in his catalogue a “shallow box with access panel” ref B117RSW. It was designed for old electrical circuits and you can find it at your favorite home improvement store. I used this box (after some Dremel adjustments) to conceal the AC power adapter in a shallow wall, along with some crimp spade to tap on the 110V power outlet.

Some will argue it is a safety hazard since the AC power adapter is concealed and it may overheat. I’d like to have your feedback on this, but c’mon it’s only 9V and it doesn’t heat at all.

Note: For LCD TV and bigger frame, you can use the Leviton REB – Recessed Entertainment Box – for the same type of results.

transfo_conceal – Link.

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