Sharing lists of podcasts for the iPhone, iPod, iTunes… OPML, .pcasts and more…

Sharing lists of podcasts for the iPhone, iPod, iTunes… OPML, .pcasts and more…

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I was talking with a friend who has an iPhone and was sharing some of the videos and audio (podcasts) I have. It’s a pretty good mix of current news, updated videos, science audio shows and best of all, free… The audio shows are good for running and the video shows are good for commuting (subway/bus). Since I don’t have a TV this is a nice commercial free way to get a lot of great content. Not many people know you can share your Podcasts fairly easily (by share I mean the list of them).

First, the not so easy ways… You can’t make an iMix since that’s just for things you can buy (see image below).

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Here’s a screen shot of the ones I have…

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In iTunes you can see the XML feed, but you can’t copy and paste it.

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One thing that is possible is to drag the podcast title from iTunes on to the desktop, it creates a .pcast file (Podcast subscription file) which contains the feed location.

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It’s possible to cut and paste from a .pcast file once you open it in a text editor – and you can paste the url in to iTunes… (*Note, you can also drag RSS/XML feeds in to iTunes from a browser). If you like the shows listed here – download my .pcast files linked below or all of them in the zip file – Link.

That said, the easiest way for folks really in to this is to just use an OPML file. iTunes can export and import OPML files (a list of locations / feeds of the podcasts, audio, video and PDF). Here’s how…

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In iTunes click podcasts in the main window.

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In the menu choose File > Export.

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In the pull down list choose OPML. That’s your OPML file, you can now send this to someone, post it online and import it… Here’s how –

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In iTunes go to the menu, choose File > Import and select the OPML file.

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You’ll get this dialog and you’re all set!

Here’s my iTunes OPML file – Link.

That’s it – go fill up those devices! It’s what all those gigs are for.

Bonus tip: If you have your own podcast you can make a one-click subscption link. Just replace http:// with itpc://

For MAKE ours is: itpc://

This opens up iTunes and subscribes.

Or, you can use a link to the show within iTunes – here’s ours again…

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To get a URL location of any podcast just right click (or on Mac ctrl – click).

I’m pretty sure this works on both Macs and PCs, if it doesn’t post up in the comments.

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