The MyCPU – Homebrew computer

The MyCPU – Homebrew computer

Pic Vcfe01
Dennis writes –

The MyCPU is a “Central Processing Unit” that is completely built with discrete logic gates. Over the years the project has grown, and now the MyCPU is the heart of a real Personal Computer. The computer has the following capabilities and features:

  • All is build with 74HCxxx circuits. No higher integrated parts are use (except the EPROMs, RAMs and UARTs).
  • The system runs with up to 8 MHz
  • available hardware: 8 Bit CPU at 8 MHz (the “MyCPU”), 1.03 MB RAM / 128 KB ROM, Interrupt Controller, Multi-I/O with 2 serial ports, 1 printer port, LCD and PS/2-Keyboard interface, IDE-Controller for 4 harddisks, VGA graphic card.
  • available software: DOS-like operating system, games, disk tools, programming tools, TCP/IP-stack, web server
  • The computer can be programmed in basic, assembler and “C”. The basic-interpreter is integrated into the operating system, and the assembler is an executable that is loaded from disk and translates the assembly syntax into binary code on the MyCPU. The C-Compiler is a cross-compiler that runs on a Windows or Linux based host system.
  • The realtime operating system “pico]OS” has been ported to the MyCPU. Applications for pico]OS can be written in “C”. This is a good starting point for education purpose.
  • The project is totally open source.

The MyCPU – Project: A homebrew computer by Dennis Kuschel – Link.

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