Every week Spark Fun gets in really interesting electronics for projects and more – this week, the GPS controller for the 21 foot wall clock they had at Maker Faire came in… arg, credit card coming out…
- 100mAh LiPo (Lithium Polymer) battery. This little guy packs a punch over a short amount of time. Packed into a fraction of a cubic inch, this 2gram battery is perfect for micro and mini sumo bots and other micro-portable devices – Link.
- Production units of the GPS Wall Clock Controller in stock. These PIC based dev board can control up to 42 devices at 500mA per device – Link.
- The Light Board that connects to the Clock Controller is also available and the 30-Pin OLED Connectors so you can roll your own OLED projects – Link.
Spark Fun Electronics, bye paycheck! – Link.