It might not look like it, but this electronic Whack-a-Mole game is our most involved Weekend Project yet. The build involves over 100 individual components and also includes instructions on how to etch your own Printed Circuit Board (PCB), making this our first real Weekend Project, one that will take most makers the weekend to complete. But don’t let the build time intimidate you; the rewards are many. You’ll not only understand how to turn circuit theory into circuit reality, you’ll also have a truly addictive electronic game to show off and challenge your friends with (and you’ll learn PCB etching in the process).
Steve Hobley, who created our version of the project, shot the video below, which shows the game in action. And before you ask, yes, you will eventually lose. If you’re looking for a project to help you understand the beauty of the venerable 555 timer, and want a project that’s a little challenging, I recommend you Whack-a-Mole!

See all of the RadioShack Weekend Projects posts (to date)