Making Lightbulbs Float
We talk to Simon Morris about the Flyt, a levitating lightbulb, which he and his team brought along to Maker Faire Paris.
We talk to Simon Morris about the Flyt, a levitating lightbulb, which he and his team brought along to Maker Faire Paris.
We talk to Stéphane Bonnard about the APREL Project, and the development of the exoskeleton arm that he brought along to Maker Faire Paris.
We catch up with Uroš Petrevski to find out what’s happened with the WeIO micro controller board announced at the previous Saint-Malo Mini Maker Faire two years ago.
The master craftsman shows us his on-site builds and says what being at the event means to him.
The Kansas City Maker Faire is all wrapped up and everyone who was there will agree it was an absolute blast. There were simply too many really cool people and projects to show them all in this video. However, you will get a pretty good taste for what the Kansas City Maker Faire has to […]
Clive Beale from The Raspberry Pi Foundation spoke to Make: about its beginnings as an educational platform and how their audience at Maker Faire has evolved.
Will Jessop builds robots, and he’s hoping to crowdsource tidying his office of stray ping pong balls after tournaments. What could possibly go wrong?