I often use a Zip Lock bag to keep my phone safe from dust and water and the coins in my pocket. But the workshop environment is also hazardous to my phone with tools banging and shuffling around.
So I made this case to keep the phone safe in and around the shop. It’s just to protect the phone when it is sitting around. In my backpack and on the go I use a scrap piece or Bubinga hardwood lined with soft leather.
Here you see some techniques you can apply to other creations. Enjoy.
Table saw
Razor blade
Drill press
Chop saw
Bubinga wood
Jade glue
Spray glue
Polishing wax
In each bi-monthly episode of DiResta (every other Wednesday), artist and master builder Jimmy DiResta (Dirty Money, Hammered, Against the Grain, Trash for Cash) lets us into his workshop, to look over his shoulder while he builds whatever strikes his fancy.