This Tiny Bluetooth Credenza Is Clever and Adorable - Make: This Tiny Bluetooth Credenza Is Clever and Adorable - Make:

This Tiny Bluetooth Credenza Is Clever and Adorable

Maker News Woodworking Workshop
This Tiny Bluetooth Credenza Is Clever and Adorable
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At first glance, I thought this was a build video for a standard home stereo unit. You know, one of this giant ones that you might have found in your grandparent’s house that are kind of coming back in style. The huge ones with a turn table, or 8-track player inside. Then, I noticed that iphone in the bottom left of the thumbnail.

In this video, Adrian Preda shows us how he constructed this tiny mid-century modern bluetooth speaker. I absolutely adore how you open it up and turn the record in order to adjust the volume. The final result looks so good, I really want one for my desk! I’ll have to keep an eye on his Etsy shop to see if he lists one for sale at some point.  Of course if you just want to see more of his builds, you can check out his youtube channel and his instagram.

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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