
Fringy Loom-Woven Pillow

Fringy Loom-Woven Pillow

For the budding weaver, a rigid heddle loom is affordable and easy to use. To make this woven pillow, you’ll use one color of yarn for the threads on the loom (the warp), and another color to weave with (the weft). To accent your pillow you’ll use a bundle of 4 colors and a pick-up […]

Hand-Woven Vest

Hand-Woven Vest

By Joan Sheridan Hoover and Becca Olsen The rhythm of weaving is soothing, and creating your own fabric is addictive. Weaving is easy (remember those potholder looms you used as a kid?) and you can do it with things you probably already have around the house. We raided our knitting stash for yarns and used […]

Paper Pocket Loom

Paper Pocket Loom

When the inspiration hits to start weaving, pull out your handy pocket loom and you’re ready to go. The portable loom is provided here or online as a PDF at craftzine.com/08/pocketloom. With the set of measurements in this project, you can easily weave a scarf. For further instruction and other weaving projects, go to actionweaver.com.

Tapestry Loom

Tapestry Loom

I have wanted to weave since I can remember, but I always thought it was impossible because of space constraints. Then I got my hands on a tapestry loom! With a tapestry loom you’re able to weave the full length of warp because it’s wrapped around the frame. You actually shift the warp bar, and […]

Pencil Cozy

Pencil Cozy

Just the other day whilst tip-typing away on the laptop, I noticed that the light sneaking in through the slats felt suspiciously like fall. Fall is my favorite time of year. It makes me think of hats and scarves, apple pie and school supplies. Fall makes me want to cozy up and read on the […]

Recycle Office Paper into Blank Books

Recycle Office Paper into Blank Books

Here I will give a simple bookbinding tutorial using a Japanese stab-binding technique for making blank books from paper that is printed on one side. These books are useful for all kinds of notes, and tell an interesting story about the place they came from. I work in the computer lab at my school, where […]

Hotshot High-Tops

Hotshot High-Tops

A friend once teased me about my addiction to knitting. He pointed out that I had knit practically an entire wardrobe for myself: sweaters, skirts, hats, mitts, gloves, scarves, bikinis, socks, and slippers. The one item he said I was missing was a pair of shoes. Rather than get offended, I took that as a […]