To celebrate 20 years of Make:, we’re looking back at projects from our first issue. Combining the power of five cables in one easy-carry package, here’s “5-in-1 Network Cable” from Make: 01.
Note: this is a classic article. Some of the information is likely obsolete.
Why I made a 5-in-1 cable
Do you find yourself toting several of these cables everywhere you go? Do you often wish you’d brought a different cable with you after you’ve arrived onsite? Are you as geeky as me and think that the idea of a 5-in-1 is just plain cool even if you never expect to configure a router in your lifetime? Then I’ll show you how I made one.
The 5-in-1 cable consists of a CAT5 Ethernet cable along with four simple custom adapters, giving me an Ethernet cable, a crossover Ethernet cable, a modem cable, a null modem cable, and a Cisco console cable. An added benefit is that I can always extend my cable by finding a longer Ethernet cable than the one I carry in my bag. (It’s usually pretty easy to locate a long Ethernet cable, but not so easy to locate a long null modem cable.)