Now take all three “ground” wires from the motors and solder them all together.
Now solder a very long wire (the same length as the positive wires) to the three ground wires you soldered together.
On the battery clip, notice that the red wire is the positive wire and the black is negative. On the positive side, solder three wires to the one wire. Make them about 5 inches long.
On the negative side of the battery clip, solder the long wire from the negative motor wires.
Next, solder each positive wire from the motors to one lead of a pushbutton. On the other lead, solder one of the wires going to the positive side of the battery clip. See the wiring diagram for help.
To make sure it is working, connect the battery to the clip and press each of the buttons in turn. Make sure that every motor is spinning and is blowing air.