I have spent 1 year building Bender from scratch. Radio controlled eyes, eye brows, mouth, eyes and antennae light up, fingers move. SCROLL DOWN ON THIS 2 PAGE ENTRY TO SEE DETAILS. My blog: http://mybenderbuild.wordpress.com/

Project Steps

Let’s get lootin!

Poster board covering – this was covered with fiberglass

Inserting compartment and much spackle

Making arms and legs

Making feet

Making remote controlled fingers

Hey – gimme that arm!

Animatronics: Separate servos to control the eye and eye brow movement. Three LED light sources for the eyes and the antena. Examples of “Please don’t use that magnet” and “Watch out meatbags”

Life has been tough…the original finish was too smooth and was not consistent with Bender’s life style. So I covered the entire thing with spackle, pitted it with a broom and then flexed the entire construct to create cracks.

Assorted swag

These boots are made for stompin

I’ve got the perfect girl friend. She’s got money…and probably has other qualities.


Entirely constructed from foam and wood. I have no clue why I did this except it was necessary