Halloween 2013

How-To: Chilled Monkey Brain Cake

How-To: Chilled Monkey Brain Cake

If you grew up in the 80s, then you probably had the image of chilled monkey brains seared into your own brain by Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom. Well, now you can recreate your childhood horror with this spectacular Chilled Monkey Brain Cake tutorial.

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DIY Hacks & How To’s: Proximity Sensors

DIY Hacks & How To’s: Proximity Sensors

Last week I showed how to use a pressure plate switch to activate special effects. This week, I am going to show you how to make a simple proximity sensor. This is basically just an infrared LED and a phototransistor. When a person stands near the sensor, some of the light from the LED is reflected back to the detector. The output signal of the detector can be monitored by an Arduino and used to activate special effects when the person is close enough.

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Halloween: Reveal Your Cardboard Superhero/Sci-fi Hero

Halloween: Reveal Your Cardboard Superhero/Sci-fi Hero

In my last blog post I went into detail about accessorizing Halloween costumes with homemade cardboard swords. Now, there is the main question left unanswered…what to do about the costume itself? The answer lies in the same material I’ve been happily preaching about since starting this blog – sweet, sweet cardboard!

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