Limor Fried

Ladyada Interviews Alexandra Dean, Director of The Hedy Lamarr Story

Ladyada Interviews Alexandra Dean, Director of The Hedy Lamarr Story

Alexandra Dean’s documentary displays the difficulties that Hedy Lamarr faced when trying to be both smart and beautiful.

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Inside Adafruit, the Open-Source Manufacturing Maker Champions

Inside Adafruit, the Open-Source Manufacturing Maker Champions

Adafruit was founded in a dorm room by MIT engineer Limor “Ladyada” Fried as an online learning resource and marketplace for DIY electronics.

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Here Is the First Arduino Made on American Soil

Here Is the First Arduino Made on American Soil

Over the Memorial Day weekend the first Arduinos were to be made in the USA were hand built by Limor in the Adafruit offices in New York.

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